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Relationship-Based Therapy

Relationship-Based Therapy

Relationship-Based Therapy

Because we wholeheartedly believe in the transformative nature of relationships, all therapy is relationship-based, not focused on behavioral modification. “The more healthy relationships a child has, the more likely he will be to recover from trauma and thrive. Relationships are the agents of change.” – Dr. Bruce Perry

Relationship-based treatment is the use of the client-provider relationship to inspire, motivate and facilitate healthy adaptation in the life of a client. Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that relationships play a crucial role in therapy. Extensive research supports the notion that the “therapeutic alliance,” which consists of healthy and trusting relationships, is the primary driver of positive transformations in the therapeutic journey. At Benchmark, we prioritize providing your child with numerous secure, genuine, and safe relationships. This commitment starts by carefully selecting and properly training our staff in the art of fostering and nurturing these connections with our clients and their families.

We view “relationships as a mirror” for how individuals view themselves and their self-worth. “A mirror cannot lie,” it takes the information in front of it and reflects it back as it is, the information the mirror is taking in is the behaviors of an individual which are a reflection of their true feelings. We view all behaviors as a reflection of an individual’s own perception of themselves, thus to view what an individual sees as their own self-worth one only need to look at their behaviors. Likewise, our role in helping foster positive, lasting behavior change we use our relationship with the client as a mirror as well, “how we treat them is a reflection of what we view their self-worth as,” as they are treated with respect and value we wield our control (“one of the only things we can control”) in reflecting what their actual value is…if we treat them like they are special to us, they internalize that they are special…and they then treat us in like manner.

We place an emphasis on each interaction as a way for staff to connect with and communicate the value that each individual has. Dr. William Glasser simplified this when he identified Relationship Habits as either being “Connecting” or “Disconnecting.”

We aim to promote self-control so that individuals can increase their ability to make and act on responsible choices. We endorse the adoption of seven Connecting Relationship Habits that we model and hope to instill in our residents.

Connecting Relationships Habits

  1. Supporting
  2. Encouraging
  3. Listening
  4. Accepting
  5. Trusting
  6. Respecting
  7. Negotiating Differences

The opposite of the Connecting Relationship Habits is the seven Disconnecting Habits which are based on external control. These habits lead to the breakdown of relationships. Being disconnected can lead to many of the problems facing human beings. Individuals use the seven Disconnecting Habits to control people. Utilizing these habits usually leads to misunderstandings and resentment.

7 Disconnecting Habits

  1. Criticizing
  2. Blaming
  3. Complaining
  4. Nagging
  5. Threatening
  6. Punishing
  7. Bribing, Rewarding to Control

In order to have a healthy relationship, it is very important to stop trying to control one other and to support, encourage, accept, trust, respect, and listen to each other instead.

We Change Lives

Call 801-299-5383 to learn about admissions to Benchmark Behavioral Health. Our referral staff is available to answer your questions and guide you through the admissions process. If you are currently experiencing an emergency, please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.